The software development aspects of a product is typically a tradeoff between it and
hardware functionality. Both development areas are intertwined in the early stages of
a project and remain closely linked for the duration. But soon after the product
specification is documented, they become separate entities, each with there own
development flavor and toolset. The process of partitioning them is key to a product's
eventual success. ResolveEI design engineers have been accurately partitioning hardware
and software functionality for over thirty years.
They keep abreast of the latest microcontroller, input & output technologies and
techniques to assure that only the right and best architecture is at the heart of
your product. Our software engineers work in all leading protocols, including C, C++,
WinCE, WinXP, CAN, Labview, assembly, embedded real-time, and have career experience
in many more. We use numerous integrated software development environments including
Visual Studio and Code Works. We document our software with Software Architecture
Diagrams and Flow Diagrams to describe how the software will work. Our software standards
are a combination of our internal rigorous standards, and any customer specified standards
that may be requested.
Once detailed coding of firmware and software has begun, it is constantly subject to review.
ResolveEI's many micro-core libraries are re-utilized to facilitate quick functioning alpha
test platforms where the software can be debugged early, easily and quickly for timely
feedback to the overall development process. Revision re-programming is always accomodated,
and user interfaces and customer configurable parameterization factors are folded into
the design in such a way as to invite customer evaluation and suggestion.