Prototyping a product is usually desired with quick turn around time, or rapid prototyping as it is sometimes referred to. The numbers needed are generally a couple to a few, and with our own internal resources, we can create and deliver fully functioning and performing product prototypes in a very short turn-around time. We develop prototypes from your specification, or we can help generate a specification for you as outlined in some of the previous pages. Once a specification is in place, working prototypes can be realized very quickly, and even include initial draft design documents.
Experience, expertise and resources
are key here. Make sure your rapid prototyper doesn't do a lot of outside
contracting to generate your prototype as this usally involves time and money.
With our in-house resources, and our familiarity with those tools to fully generate
any prototype, ResolveEI turns them around quick and puts them back in the hands of
you, the customer, for review, testing and design feedback. We let you drive the
process in order to quickly encircle the product features and performance you're
looking for without comitting to the costs and risks of full scale production.
The mostly computer aided product design and fabrication tools we have at our facility easily lets us consider modifications and revisions to
The mostly computer aided product design and fabrication tools we have at our facility easily lets us consider modifications and revisions to
your hands on prototype for quick turnaround review and feedback. Most of our tools
are computer aided and/or controlled which means complete version control is maintained
at the data file level and automation governs actual fabrication. These tools include
fully integrated electronic schematic capture and layout, fully integrated software
development platforms, fully integrated 3D mechanical design and layout, system simulation
and test software, sophisticated electronic and environmental measuring equipment,
3D plastic printing and modeling, precision laser sheet cutting, foundry, precision
CNC machining and much more.