
Resolve Enterprises Inc. was founded in Western Washington in 1998. We offer a full range of scientific, engineering, and technical skills to individuals and businesses.  We have experience and training in various fields ranging from real-time embedded control applications to laser optics. Our products and services range from highly technical flight control systems to casting and ringing church bells. We believe our common sense yet technical approach gives our customers the inexpensive and timely edge they're looking for in bringing their ideas and products to market.

Our highly trained consultants design, prototype, upgrade, optimize and test any system or product; We help you with new or existing products to ensure top quality performance and reliability with the state of the art methods in development, implementation and manufacture. Our knowledge includes the use of tools that create and produce:

ElectronicHardware Electronic Hardware
uProcessor/Controller Architectures 
PLDs, Schematic Capture to PCB
Mainframes, Workstations & PCs

ComputerSoftware Computer Software
Requirements to Executable
Low & High-level Languages
Windows, DOS, DEC & Unix OS
Low & High-level Languages

Networks & Communication
Wire, Wireless, Infrared, Ethernet,
RS-232/422/485, Data Validation,
Correction, Encryption & Compression

IndustrialMachinery Industrial Machinery
Hydraulics, Gears, Motors AC/DC,
CNC Milling, Drilling & Machining
3D Modeling, Casted & Injected Parts
Various Sensors & Transducers
REI is comitted to keeping
pace with an ever changing
world of new technology
